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Shout (346VH, 347VH & 348VH)

Shout (346VH, 347VH & 348VH)

Regular price $8.99
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Clear Fluorine Coat Hook & PE Line Thick Shaft Super Penetration Single Assist with Core. Single type of super-penetrating clear fluorine-processed baby spark hook. Can be used for the front at both high pitch and slow pitch. A hard type with an ester core, ideal for front hooks. Since the core is an ester line, even if it has a fold, it will return to its original state if pulled. Since it is a high-strength thick-axis hook, you can challenge power fighters such as tuna, amberjack, amberjack, and bristle with a thick main line and high drag tension. We have a lineup of 3 types of 2 cm, 3 cm, and 4 cm, and 5 hook sizes that correspond to various jigs and situations.

Model PE Size Qty
346VH 2cm 1/0 4
2/0 3
4/0 2
347VH 3cm 1/0 4
2/0 3
4/0 2
348VH 4cm 1/0 4
2/0 3
4/0 2
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